Background Information

Locate background information on public health related topics such as disease etiology, toxicology, and country reports.

Health Conditions and Health Policies

Source of reference for major scientific disciplines. Useful to identify and locate primary research material, videos, and teaching material

Global development information on international development issues, policy, and research

A collection of publications and websites in a variety of languages

Books, case files, drug information, and videos. Includes Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine

Chemistry and Toxicology 

CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics    
Online handbook of introductory topics related to chemistry and physics, such as symbols and terminology, molecular structure, and properties

Exposure Factors Handbook    
A handbook on available information on various exposure pathways and how to assess them 

International Facts 

EIU Country Reports    
The Economist Intelligence Unit provides socio-economic information on over 150 countries

Europa World Plus    
An online reference source featuring political and economic information on more than 250 countries

The Global Infectious Disease and Epidemiology Network is a global infectious disease knowledge management tool

The World Bank Country Information    
Political, social, and economic snapshots of various countries provided by the World Bank